Hi, in the fifth part of my tree series, I want to talk about the B-tree. In the fourth part, we learned what a red-black tree is and what it does.
7 posts tagged with "search tree"
View All TagsBinary Search Tree – Part 4 Red-Black-Tree
Hi, in the fourth part of my tree series, I want to talk about red-black trees. In the third part, we learned what an AVL tree is and what it does.
Trie – Prefix Tree
Hi, today I would like to deal with a very special kind of search trees. Today it is about the prefix tree or also called Trie.
Binary Search Trees – Part 3 AVL-Tree
Hi, in the third part of my tree series, I want to talk about AVL trees. In the second part, we learned what rotations are and why you need them.
Binary Search Tree – Part 2 Rotations
Hi, in the second part of my tree series, I want to talk about rotations. In the first part, we learned what binary search trees are.
Expression Trees – Infix to Postfix
Hi, today I'm going to do something with expression trees. An expression tree, is a binary search tree, with which one can represent arithmetic expressions. Here each node is either an operator or a number.
Binary Search Tree
Hi, I thought I would do something about binary search trees.